Water and opportunities for South African students.

AMANZI operates at the nexus of people and planet.

Learn more about our projects here.

AMANZI: Water to Schools partners with South African schools to develop sustainable water solutions and bridges to opportunities for students.

Learn about AMANZI’s low carbon initiatives.

Amanzi is the word for water in the isiXhosa and isiZulu languages. Water is where AMANZI: Water to Schools starts.

Without water, schools in South Africa are forced to reduce instruction hours or, even worse, close. Water is critical - for drinking, sanitation and for providing a daily meal (often, the only reliable meal) to learners. AMANZI provides options and resources for water solutions; our partner schools decide which solutions will work best for them.

Once water is secured, our job is not done. Next, we become a bridge to our partner organizations who offer further opportunities to teachers and learners.

Together, we strive to create the educational environment that every learner deserves.